Inscents Waterfall: An Honest Review
I kept seeing this beautiful incense burner every time I got on TikTok. It’s not the type of product I am usually drawn to, but there was just something about it. The smoke cascading down the waterfall looked so calming, so relaxing. It just kept drawing me in. Of course, all of the reviews and videos I watched talked about how amazing the product is. I did not see anything negative about this adorable little incense burner anywhere. So, I got sucked into the magical charm of the Inscents Waterfall and ordered not just 1 but 2. One was intended to be a gift, and the other was for me.
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What I Got
Let me start by saying, the shipping was slow. My order took over 10 days to arrive. It did not come in time to give it to my sister for her birthday. But I’m not too sure that was a bad thing (you’ll see why I feel this way soon enough). My package finally arrived and was in good shape.
I was excited to open my beautiful waterfall incense burner and was not disappointed. The burner itself is very pretty. I had also ordered three packs of cones (300 cones total). One pack was for me, and the other 2 to go along with the burner I had bought for my sister. So, I ended up with two burners and three packages of incense cones. From watching videos, I assumed it came with tweezers for placing the cones onto the burner. It did not. But I quickly realized tweezers were unnecessary. I feel like people used them more for dramatic effect in their videos.

The cones come in 10 different scents, each with their own properties and “benefits.” According to the Inscents Waterfall page:
Our Inscents Cones are delicately made to conjure mental calmness, physical vitality, and emotional tranquility. With its captivating smell and non-toxic composition, it will surely give you the energy and happiness to enjoy life to the fullest.
Inscents Waterfall Brand – Inscents Waterfall™ (
My Experience

Needless to say, I was super excited to light up my first cone and breathe in all the relaxation while enjoying the beautiful cascading smoke. I chose the rose scent for my first experience with the Inscents Waterfall. According to the package, rose increases happiness. I was already feeling pretty good, but I love the smell of roses. And who can’t use a little extra happiness, right?
I followed the directions and lit my cone while it was sitting on my kitchen counter. I blew out the flame after a few seconds and then used my kitchen tongs to place the cone onto the waterfall burner, making sure to place the hole in the cone over the hole in the burner. I watched for the beautiful waterfall effect, only to be disappointed. It did eventually begin to cascade down, but only about halfway. The smoke never did go all the way down the waterfall.
Now, let’s talk about the scent. I was expecting the sweet smell of roses and happiness. Instead, I got a nauseating scent of burning paper. So, I tried another fragrance. And another. And another. No matter which cone I used, I got the same smell. At best, there may have been a little woody scent associated with the cones. But not one single cone had any hint of the fragrance it was supposed to have. And honestly, I wasn’t always sure which scent the cone was supposed to be. The greens all looked the same, yet there was supposed to be both a green apple and a peppermint. The same issue with the tan shades, they were indistinguishable.
I can honestly say that my expectations on the scents were not all that high once I seen how they were packaged. Generally, when you mix a whole bunch of different fragrances in one bag and then seal them up together, they mix. I still expected them to have somewhat of a pleasant fragrance, with some being more overpowering than others. But at best, I would say I may have got the smell of burning wood, not even pleasant smelling woods, though. The cones themselves burn down pretty fast. However, the nauseating smoke smell lingers for quite a while.
Pros & Cons
Unfortunately, there are not a lot of pros for this one. I guess other than the beauty of the waterfall burner itself, the only other pro I can think of is that it is supposed to be all natural. According to the Inscents Waterfall website, “Each Inscent is handcrafted, 100% organic and therapeutic grade.” They also state that the scents are all natural and without fillers.
Other than that, I truly have nothing positive to say about the Inscents Waterfall. This is a product that I was really excited about. It did not live up to its promise in any way at all. Not only did the smoke fail to cascade down the waterfall, the smell was unbearable. What I had hoped to give as a gift turned out to be a total rip-off. I suppose you could say the cost isn’t too bad, but that would only be true if the product had lived up to its claim. The burners which are advertised for a regular price over $60 are “on sale” every day for $19.99. And, the cones start at $19.99 per package of 100. As far as the “health benefits”, I’d say those are as non-existent as the fragrances.
Obviously, the Inscents Waterfall is a no-go for me. Unless you truly enjoy the smell of burning paper, I would not recommend this product. I have done a little more research since making my purchase. I’m not sure where all of these rave reviews are coming from, but after a lot of investigating and a whole lot of video watching I was able to finally find some other negative reviews. Inscents Waterfall has an F rating on the BBB website, with over 71 complaints in the past 3 years being reported. I’m sure the number of complaints could be much larger if everyone reported problems to the BBB. Regardless, I recommend you save your money on this one.
If you have tried the Inscents Waterfall, I would love to hear your experience with it. Leave a comment below or contact me at: kari@socialmediamadeusbuyit.